Monday, November 16, 2009

New ER Under African Skies

My sister recently worked with a silent auction to help
raise funds for a new ER in the mountainous rural
Rukunriri district southwest of Uganda.

Last year local workers converted
two rooms and a closet into one open space.
Stretchers, oxygen equipment, splinting materials,
and storage closets were provided through the
fundraising efforts of two doctors.
On June 2, 2008, the first ER of this kind in Africa opened.
They served 500 people that first month.

I love thinking about this:
Since 8 out of 10 leading causes of death before then
had been because of trauma and severe diseases treatable
with quality emergency care, a significant number of lives
are now saved every day of every month!

This November 2009 silent auction raised $16,000!
But.  I don't believe this is enough.
We can do better.  We can raise more.
I'd love for you to help.
Maybe this could be a Christmas present for
someone you love instead of a traditional gift?

Click on the website below for the nonprofit agency
Global Emergency Care Collective
if you're willing to learn more and help.
Thanks!  I think this kind of present is what
Christmas is really all about.

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